You are listening to "Over the Rainbow (The Wizard of Oz), To You , Address Unknown, Sunrise Serenade" Ampico roll #216533


  Antique Music for A Modern World

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Spencer’s E-Rolls sells electronic versions of piano rolls. Our musical resource contains over 5,000 songs that can be purchased in several ways including pre-made collection and custom made CDs.

Here are all the links on this page in one place to make them easy to find. They are also spread throughout this page with more description as to what they are about.

LX music
Spencers Blog
LX tools and information page
New Emulation CD
Utility and Sample Downloads

I have finaly become a blogger. Most of my blog is dedicated to Mechanical Music but I do drift into other areas, especially if I find something that is too good to not share with others.

E-rolls are available for Live Performance LX, Yamaha Disklavier, PianoDisc, PianoMation and original pneumatic reproducing pianos.

LX music is now available. Ampico and Welte Piano roll Emulations in Native LX format are now available. These are available for use only with Live Performance LX Reproducing Systems. See the LX Music Page for information and to order.A new page has been added for LX owners with tools and information for facilitating your LX experience.LX tools and information page

A new set of MIDI emulation files is now available.  5058 files for $230. Click here for more information.

Digital Piano Rolls are now available for collectors of Original Pneumatic Player and Reproducing Pianos, as well as for owners of solenoid operated electronic pianos, MIDI sound modules and synthesizers.

Owners of solenoid operated pianos such as the Yamaha Disklavier, Piano Disk, PianoMation, and other pianos capable of playing standard MIDI files, may use the Emulation CD files which will play directly on any MIDI device. These files also may be used with the "Live Performance" LX piano system but better results may be obtained with files made specifically for the LX. See the LX Music page for these files.

Use of these files is not limited to the owners of these expensive pianos. Anyone with an electronic synthesizer, capable of playing MIDI files, may use them as well. A variety of software samplers or synthesizers will allow these files to play as realistic piano sounds on any modern computer.

These files may be used as source material for many other uses as well. The standard MIDI files may be imported into MIDI sequencers, such as Cakewalk. There is no limit to what can be done.  No attempt has been made to limit access to the data. No special software is needed to use the MIDI files. Any standard media player will play these files and they can be used on PC or Mac computers.

Any and all inquiries will receive a prompt reply so please don't hesitate to e-mail your questions.

A new Ampico E-Roll CD is available with 1522 titles. Approximately 800 of these are different from those offered by Peter Phillips. Approximately 145 are B coded rolls. See the TO_ORDER page for pricing and ordering.

The E-Roll Player system has been discontinued. Bob Hunt is selling a system called "The Virtual Roll". I highly recommend it as an alternative to the E-roll Player. Click here for the Virtual Roll Site(new)
Click here for The Virtual Roll Page on this site .

Support information for E-Roll Player owners may be found via the "Midi Valve" link on the left.

I have simplified this web site and removed many pages that were rarely viewed. MIDI file listings on individual pages have been removed. See the Download page or the files4Download page for listing off all MIDI files available. If you want to search for a particular title use the search facility in the Musical Shopping Cart as suggested above.

My Welte T100 format scanner is now operating and I am anxious to scan these rolls. Please contact me if you have any available.

Please check out the E-Mail Group for E-Roll Collectors.

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